5 Ways Acupuncture Supports Fertility

By Dr. Lexi Streu

Fertility is a complex, multi-faceted area of women’s health, and deserves to be treated that way. Each person has a unique set of patterns and imbalances which may or may not predispose them to fertility struggles. Thankfully, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture recognize the bio-individuality that comes along with each person’s unique fertility journey. No two people will receive the same treatment even if they come in with the same so-called “diagnosis”.

There are volumes of both scientific and anecdotal evidence to support the use of Acupuncture for fertility support, and below are five of the ways through which its’ mechanisms work.

  1. Improves blood flow to the reproductive organs.
    Not only does this ensure anatomical and physiological health of the ovaries, it can also help with response to synthetic fertility medications. Increased uterine blood flow ensures a thick uterine lining and sets up an ideal environment for implantation. This study on the mechanism of acupuncture suggests that acupuncture may increase the blood flow and neuro-vascularization to the cortex of the ovaries, thereby improving their quality and health.

  2. Balances fertility hormones through impact on the HPA Axis.
    The Hypothalamic Pituitary (HPA) Axis is a network that includes the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and gonadal glands (ovaries), and their interactions with each other. These interactions are critical in regulating the hormonal mechanisms that control proper menstrual cycles. Any interruption in the communication between these glands lead to abnormal cycles. Acupuncture and herbal medicine stimulate the nervous system to signal areas of the brain such as the hypothalamus and pituitary, which in turn are responsible for production of proper hormone levels through the menstrual cycle. A normalized menstrual cycle is key in optimizing fertility.

  3. Lowers inflammation while boosting immune function and overall wellness:
    Fundamentally, Chinese Medicine operates on the principle that health is achieved through balancing the entire body. It helps to improve the circulation of the blood, relieve pain, quicken injury healing, and strengthens the immune system. Acupuncture has also been shown to mobilize anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating molecules that contribute to overall improvements in health.

  4. Soothes the nervous system and calms the mind
    When our nervous system is in overdrive, it is virtually impossible for healing to occur. Acupuncture targets the nervous system to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system - or our ‘rest and digest’ setting. This induces a state of healing, relaxation and peacefulness that combats feelings of anxiety or depression associated with the often long journey of infertility.

  5. May support a decline in ovarian reserve
    One randomized clinical trial used Acupuncture in patients with a decline in ovarian reserve that were undergoing IVF treatments. If you have diminished ovarian reserve, this means that the number and quality of your eggs is lower than expected for your age. Diminished ovarian reserve can affect people of all ages. This study found that acupuncture increased estradiol, antral follicle count, number of follicles retrieved, number of high-quality embryos, and fertilization rates. They also observed an improvement in implantation rate and clinical pregnancy rate, as well as a decrease in cycle cancellation rate.

We recognize that fertility journeys can be overwhelming and emotional and for that reason we always approach treatment by addressing not only the physical body, but also the mental and emotional aspects. We are here to support you in whatever capacity you need as you embark on this healing path!

For the most supportive and effective treatment approach, we recommend 12 weeks of consecutive treatment, as this is the length of time that it takes for an egg to develop and mature. Consistent and consecutive treatments are key to producing a long lasting therapeutic effect.

Interested in learning if fertility Acupuncture is the right fit for you? Book in for a complimentary visit and we can discuss any questions or concerns you may have!


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