Calgary Acupuncture Collective

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Acupuncture and Emotional Resilience

By Dr. Janice Brown

Emotional resilience is a necessary skill for all people in navigating their daily life experience. In times of triumph we give little thought to the impact that our emotions have on our life experience; but as we move through the day, confronted by little or large frustrations and turmoil these negative emotions have an impact on the experience of our life.

Over time, the impact of negative emotion on our life is telling. It colours everything we do. When we look at emotion through the lens of Chinese medicine a distinct picture is painted with these colours. And so, we ask; we ask you personal questions and curious questions. There are undercurrents of emotion present in varying expressions of illness or with a particular organ system in Chinese medicine understanding.

Each organ system in Chinese medicine has its own expression of emotion, and so we see a relationship towards the resolution or progression of a condition you may be experiencing through the lens of the emotion that you express. Emotions can be the key to your experience of illness and wellness. Understanding yourself at a new and deeper level only helps you, as you live your life with a sense of peace and grace or frustration and hopelessness.

We use our understanding of emotions as a diagnostic tool, as well as, a treatment potential. What can change for you by having a deeper awareness of the emotions you are expressing? The feelings you are having? And the choices you make around navigating the emotion feedback of your life?

A take-away for you today: Acupuncture has a powerful ability to help reset your nervous system taking you out of the fight-or-flight response. The ability to spend some time in this profound state of relaxation helps the body heal and assists in reconditioning the stress levels in your life.

Need some clarity on navigating your emotions and health conditions in your life? We are here to help.

By Dr. Janice Brown