Melissa Reid

RMT | Registered Massage Therapist

Melissa completed her 2200-Hour Registered Massage Therapy program at Mount Royal University. After achieving her BA in Psychology, Melissa then discovered her passion for manual therapy while working as a rehabilitation assistant and hydrotherapist at a canine physiotherapy clinic.

Guided by her experience in studying the mind through her degree in Psychology, as well as the body with Massage Therapy, Melissa is passionate about exploring the connection between the two and how this can contribute to overall wellness. She has a special interest in the effects that massage therapy can have on the nervous system and the impact it can carry towards various conditions including pain-related disorders, stress, anxiety, depression and sleep. She believes that true wellness comes from the integration of mind, body and spirit and sees the treatment room as the perfect environment to begin the process of bringing them all together.

Melissa offers both therapeutic and relaxation massage, using techniques such as Deep Tissue Massage, Myofascial Release, Joint Mobilizations, and General Swedish Massage.